I feel that microblogging is essential in the technological world we live in today. People communicate more thought multi-media than any other type of communication. I think being in a technological world has made things more convenient and easier. Parents are able to see what their kids are learning and doing in school because, of the new technology that is readily available. Athletes are also updated and more informed with the new technology available. However, there is a down side. NCAA rules are very strict about what can go up on athlete's personal Twitter, Facebook, and other multi-media webpages. While the new technology can enhance students and athletes it can also create problems for them. As long as athletes and students are representing themselves by modeling integrity; they should have no problems abiding by the strict protocol in the NCAA. 




What PWP of an educator do you feel do a good job of representing him or her?
  • I felt both PWP's were presented and represented well. I found I liked Michelle's better because I thought hers was more personable and easy to follow. I liked her layout of her PWP better than DeAnna’s. I felt DeAnna’s layout was redundant which made it a little dull. 
What do you like about their PWP?
  • I thought Michelle used key words and pictures to convey her ideas. I feel her way of communicating is more effective because of the ease and flow of her PWP. I also liked how her words and letters were big enough to read. 
What do you think could be improved?
  • I feel Michelle's PWP could have used more pictures. I liked her videos and examples she provided for her “profile” section but I feel she could have added those ideas to other pages in her PWP. I believe pictures often tell stories and express what type of person you are more than words. 
How do you feel this person chose to represent themselves on the Web? Is the PWP professional, personal, or both?
  • Michelle's PWP was professional. It was evident that her page was for a professional job type audience. Michelle used many strategies to convey her professional skills within her PWP. I feel there wasn't any personal material it was more professional. I would have liked to see more personal and transparent aspects in her PWP. 
What features of this PWP would you copy, and which ones would you change?
  • I liked Michelle's key words she used to describe herself. She used them to start off every page in her PWP, which, I felt really emphasized what kind of person she is. If I could change something it would be to add more pictures to express who she is rather than words. I also felt that on her “about me page” she added chose to add aspects about her recent job and education. I would have liked to see that not on her “about me” page because she had already had page dedications for past job experiences and completed education. 
My name is Kailey Allen. I just graduated from Fresno Pacific University with a Bachelor of Kinesiology with an emphasis in Exercise Science. At Fresno Pacific University I was involved in athletics and was apart of the Fresno Pacific's Women's Volleyball team. I am now an assistant coach pursing my dreams of one day teaching and coaching at the college level.