There were many productivity tools that were listed to experiment with. Some I had heard of before and some were completely new to me. Of all the different tools I really enjoyed learning about the Pandora radio and the Dropbox files.

   I had hard of Pandora radio before but had never used it. Pandora radio is a type of radio station but the music and artists are selected for the individual’s desired styles. I think Pandora is a very clever invention. I like how you are able to pick an artist or type of music and the site would find music to shuffle that was similar to the topic selected. I think it would be very useful for celebration events and I also feel it would be a great way to discover new artists or songs you may like because of the similar style previously selected.

   The other productivity tool I learned about was the Dropbox. I think the Dropbox file is a great way to keep your documents backed up. Dropbox is used to backup files and also synchronize files. I feel it is a great tool to use because if something ever happed to your computer the files and memory wouldn’t be lost forever. They could be accessed online where they were saved. Having a backup system is vital to ensure the safety and security of files.

Matt Souza
5/26/2013 03:17:11 pm


I had never heard of Dropbox until a few weeks ago! I feel like I am the last person on earth to find out about it after seeing how many people use it! As you pointed out it is incredibly useful to store all of my computer files on for security and computer crashing purposes. I have always simply used a usb storage device, the drop box makes it so much easier because I can use the same system for my recruit files or current player videos!


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