I found the article about social networking in undergraduate education to be very interesting. I feel that the Internet has been a valuable component in education. I feel social networking has been a big part of the advances in technology and in education. The study underwent questioners and surveys to gather opinions of students and their thoughts on social networking in education. After looking at the results, I felt the coconscious was that Facebook and other social networking sites are great for class discussion and creative ideas but blackboard was preferred for a school setting.

I know for me I feel my Facebook is more for my personal life and my blackboard and other school related sites are for my professional life. I like to keep them separate because one is for my pleasure to enjoy and the other is for work. The article said, “Facebook is a valuable tool that helps to strengthen interpersonal relationships, build learning communities and engage students”. I agree that Facebook is a valuable tool to build interpersonal relationships and I feel it can be used to build learning communities and engage students yet I still feel I like that division.  I don’t feel that I have to hide things in my personal life from my professional life but I like to use social networking for my private use and use other business sites for the public to view.

I feel social networking is a great tool but when it is kept within its boundaries. I feel social networking has been successful for comminutes, relationships, and studies but it can also be a distraction. I feel that if social networking was used in schools and in business it might distract people from doing what they are supposed to do. When I go onto Facebook I end up finding something that grabs my attention and then I forget what I was supposed to be doing when I signed on. Facebook is a great way to stay in touch with people and keep up with what is going on with friends and family but I feel it should stay separate from the school and business world because it can be such a distraction.

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