1. It allows people to look for job opportunities within their field and also allows people to search for jobs close in their area of residence. 
2. Professional profile pages help articulate the type of person and work quality a person possesses. If the page displays poor work quality it is probable the person as well displays possess poor quality in their work.
3. Using the internet to display professional networking or viewing sites allows instantaneous feedback. With the social media being as big as it is it is almost necessary to have your professional information online to be seen. 

1. A page can sometimes tell too much about a person and therefore hinder them from becoming a possible candidate for a position. 
2. Some people may not know how to operate a professional networking site and therefore it becomes time consuming for someone who may not know how to navigate the social networking community.
3. One major issue with professional profile pages is expose of ones privacy or private business. When a name is published on the internet it remains vulnerable for others to possibly take advantage. Most of the time a site will contain a name, phone number, email and other personal information. This private information that gets posted makes a person vulnerable to the world. 

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